The tart with custard and raspberries jam is a soft and tasty sweet and it is very easy to prepare.

For the tart:
- 300g flour 00
- 125g cold butter cut asunder
- 120g granulated sugar
- 1 egg
- 25ml fresh milk
- rind of one grated organic lemon
- 6g baking powder
For the custard
- 400ml whole fresh milk
- 80g sugar
- 3 egg yolks
- 60g flour 00
- rind of one lemon
- berry and seeds of vanilla
In addition:
- one jar of Biodelizia raspeberries jam
In a container mix the flour 00, the granulated sugar and yeast. Then add the butter and begin to mix until you obtain a sandy mixture. Add the egg, the milk and the rind of lemon. Mix all and until you obtain homogeneous dough. Wrap it into a saran wrap and store in fridge for about 30 minutes.
Cover a cake-pan (diameter 24 cm) previously floured and buttered with ¾ of the dough. Then cover it with a layer of jam and a layer of custard. For the preparation of the custard: in a saucepan pour the milk, the vanilla and the rind of one lemon. Boil it. In the meantime in another pan whip the yolks with the sugar and the seeds of vanilla, then add the flour and mix all. When the milk boils add it (previously filtrated) to the mixture. Put it on the fire and mix well using a wood spoon until you obtain the wished consistency. Cover the cream with a saran wrap and let it cool.
Garnish the tart with the typical strips and cook in a pre-heated oven to 180# for about 40-45 minutes. Let it cool and the sprinkle it with icing sugar.