The word from the nutritionist
Everybody has its favorite sport
It’s important for all children to practice a sport since they are young but when the parents choice the sport for their kids have to consider the psychophysical structure and the character of the kid, but above all they have to remember that the child has to practice this sport with amusement.

Every parent knows that the kids need to practice some sport to have a correct psychophysical development, to create the bases for long physical wellness and to avoid obesity and diabetes.
Considering that the sport training schools accept the children when they are over five, the parents make a choice about the sport when the children start the primary school. This is a very delicate moment for the kids, in fact the chosen activity will influence their physical development and their social relations. It’s important to practice a sport since you are young, in fact, the sport aids to grown well-balanced and to create good social relations.
When parents choice a sport for their son they have to consider different elements: the psychophysical structure, the character and the turn for the sport of the kid, but above all they have to remember that the child has to practice this sport with amusement. In order to aid the parents and the kids in this choice, different sporting societies and many city palaestras organize some events, called ‘Test the sport’, where all kids can try gratis different disciplines for one day.
Published 24 March 2017