It is time to start to prepare the first Carnival sweets. Today we propose you: "angel hair" covered with honey and cinnamon.


Ingredients for about 12 pieces:

- 200g spaghetti

- 2 organic eggs

- flour type 00

- seed oil

- 5 spoons of Lime Vis Honey

- powdered cinnamon in q.b.

- zuccherini for garnish



Cook the spaghetti in water, as soon as the pasta is ready, drain it, and using a ladle and a fork form some nests. Dispose them over a baking paper and let them cold.

Heat the oil in a pan. Pass the nests befone into the egg (previously whisked) then in the flour. Fry them for 3-4 minutes, and drain them over a blotting paper.

In a pan heat the honey over a low heat until you obtain a liquid consistence, then soak one nest at a time. Take out the nests of the honey and dispose them over a baking paper, then sprinkle it with cinnamon and garnish with zuccherini.