The word from the nutritionist
Let's talk about blueberries...
You know that the blueberries are well known not only in the food field but also in the popular therapy sector? Discover their properties!
The European blueberries are very rich in antioxidants (tannins, anthocyanins, carotenes), sugars, vitamins (C, B and P) and in organic acids. The berries can be eaten both fresh or like components of dessert thanks to their excellent organoletic properties and their dietetic value. The blueberries (fresh or frozen) are used for the preparation of jams, sweets and ice-creams. The food industries use them to produce: jellies, syrups, spirits, aromatic extracts, sugar-drops and drinks. The blueberries juice is very used by the industries for its strong dyeing properties and because it has an unmistakable aroma.
The blueberries are well known not only in the food field but also in the popular therapy sector. Dioscoride, a Greek chemist and botanist, famous for its herbarium book written in I sec d.C (De Materia Medica), advised about the use of the blueberries against the dysentery. In the Middle Ages the botanists wrote about the astringent, tonic and depurative properties of the leaves and the berries. In the popular therapy the blueberries are used to cure the colitis and the dysentery, their berries are also advised for their refreshing and bactericide action. Today the antiseptic, astringent and antioxidants properties of this fruit are very valorized by the phytotherapy.
The blueberry extracts stimulate the night visibility and increase the resistance of the capillaries, they also aid your body to prevent the inflammations, the ulcerations and the sclerosis.
Published 01 March 2017