Oggi vi proponiamo una variante di un dolce tipico di Pasqua: la Pastiera Napoletana. In questa versione è stata preparata senza creme e utilizzando la farina non raffinata.

For the shortcrust pastry: (make double dose)
- 3 eggs
- 200g butter
- 100g honey
- 700g glour type 1
- 1 vanilla
- rind of one lemon
For stuffing:
- 1 jar of cooked wheat
- 200g honey
- 300g sugar
- 5 eggs
- 600g cow ricotta cheese
- 1 ampoule of mixed flour aroma
- 2 spoon of bitter cocoa
- 300g milk
For the shortcrust pastry. Pour all ingredeints in the bowl of a kitchen robot and mix them until you obtain a homogeneous dough. Wrap it into a food-film and store in fridge for about 30 minutes.
For the filling. Cook the wheat in the milk unitil you obtain a cream. Let it cold and then pour it in a bowl and add the eggs, the sugar, the honey, the ricotta, the aroma and the cocoa. Mix all well.
Assemply: spread the dough over a baking paper a transer it into a high-sided cake-tin, then pour the cream over the pastry. Make some strips with the rest of the dough and dispose them over the cream. Cook it in a pre-heated oven to 190° for about 60 minutes. Let it cold and sprinkle with icing sugar.