The word from the nutritionist
The pumpkin that bewith you
Sweet and tasty, it is the autumnal vegetable for excellence that should never miss on our kitchen tables.

It has only 17 kcal for each 100g of pulp; it is rich in betacaroten ( important for the production of vitamin A), vitamin B and E ( with the antioxidant effect), mineral and fibers. The pumpkin is refreshing, laxative, diuretic and anti-inflammatory of the urinary tract.
It is helpful in the intestinal dysfunction and for those who suffer from kidney disorders. Its seeds eaten as such or mixed with a little honey, are wormers and protect the prostate. Its raw pulp is good to cure sunburns.
The pumpkin is a valid ally for the welfare and also for the beauty, it has a draining, purifying and antiaging action. From this vegetable you can obtain excellent natural remedies worthy of the best beauty center.
Using the seeds and the pulp, we can obtain peeling, face masks and wraps for hair. The pumpkin is a magic fruit that can bewitched you to obtain fabulous look without use tricks or magic wands.
Published 24 October 2016