This is a perfect sweet to prepare as afternoon snack for your children.


- 3 jars of yogurt with flour

- 1 + 1/2 jars of yogurt  with sugar

- 2 organic eggs

- 1 jar of yogurt with milk

- 1 jar of yogurt with corn seed oil

- 1 packet of yeast

- 125g cow's ricotta

- 2 spoons of Blueberries "Natura & Tradizione" jam

- Bluberries extra jam and icing sugar to garnish



In a bowl beat the eggs with the sugar using the whisk until you obtain a frothy mixture. Continue to mix adding the flour, the milk and the oil until all ingredients have been completely amalgamated. Finally add the yeast.  Pour the mixture in a cake-tin previously buttered.

Mix the jam with the ricotta and pour this cream over the cake, and using a toothipick mix the two mixture in order to obtain the classical veriegaiions.

Cook in a pre-heated oven to 170° for about 45 minutes. Let it cold and garnish with icing sugar and jam.