The word from the nutritionist

Happiness comes with eating

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that regulates the humour, the sleep, the appetite, the learning and the memory. The lack of this one could cause attacks of panic, depression, migraine and insomnia. Did you know that thanks to some foods it is possible to stimulate its production????

Well yes, food influences both on the physical comfort and on that psychic. This thanks to the chemical reactions able to send away sadness, stress and bad mood. Here is some example of excellent foods to regulate the tones of our humour:


  • Fruit dry (walnut-trees, almonds and peanuts) full of magnesium, allows to limit the troubles about sleep and the irritability;
  • The bananas, that contain potassium, vitamin B6 and magnesium;
  • Yellow-orange fruits and vegetable as carrots, kiwi, citrus fruit and peppers thanks to the presence of vitamin C;
  • The red fruit like strawberries, cherries, blueberries, blackberries and raspberries that further to be rich of vitamins protects the nervous system and develop an anti-aging function thanks to the presence of substances antioxidants;
  • The pineapple and the papaya, with a high content of serotonin, improve the concentration and the memory;
  • The spinaches that are full of iron, but very important for the presence of sour folic, substance that reduces the state of depression and anxiety; and in general the whole other leaf vegetables green, as the lettuce or the broccoli;
  • Dairy products, the vegetables and the cereals and all food that contain vitamin B;
  • The eggs rich in vitamin D, vitamin E, zinc and Omega 3, that positively influence the operation of our organism;
  • The melting chocolate, the natural antidepressant for excellence, favoured by the antioxidants presence and theobromine.


A suggestion to already accumulate a dose of joy beginning from the beginning of the day is to make a rich breakfast with yogurt and fruit, jams or juices, why not some cereals so that to start at best the day also bringing the correct energy to our organism. It is also recommended, during the meals, the assumption of fresh vegetables of season with fishes rich in sour fats omega3, of vitamin D and antioxidants. Finally, to wake up from scholastic or working stress, a spoon of honey can be the perfect solution!


To make happy a dish is important that is motley so that can shine through a real injection of vitality, decorate therefore with warm colours like red, yellow, orange and green; accordingly you use fresh foods that express their taste in the best way. It is advisable to use so much fresh fruit and vegetable that, besides the turned on colours, they contain a great quantity of vitamins.


The course makes the day happy therefore a table that it’s also full of colours and a centre table rich of flowers of field just budded can do the difference. Remember that the simple foods can be delightfully winning and really in this way the good humour can turn on your lives of passion!!


Published 30 June 2017