A tasty idea to give for San Valentine day.


- 200g flour type 00

- 90g sugar

- 90g butter

- 1 egg

- 1 spoon of yeast 

- 1 pinch of salt

-  "Più Frutta Goji" jam

- icing sugar q.b.

For brushing:

- 1 yolk

- 1 spoon of milk



In a bowl pour the flour with the sugar, one tea-spoon of yeast and a pinch of salt, then add the yolk and the butter previously cut in slices.

Mix until you obtain a soft ball, wrap it into a food-film and store in fridge for about 30 minutes. After this time spread the dough over a working table previously floured.  With a cutter for biscuits cut a lot of hearts. Fill the half of biscuits with a spoon of jam, then close them with the other biscuits. Pay attention to close well the sides of the biscuits. Put them over a baking tray and brushing the surface of every heart with a mixutre of whipped yolk and milk. Cook in a pre-heated oven to 180° for about 20 minutes.

Let them cold before sprinkle with icing sugar.



the other "Natura Golosa" jam